Veterans Konstantin Shafranov and Kevin Bertram will return to the Komets.
“We are retaining two important players for our defending Turner Cup team with the signing of Shafranov and Bertram,” Komets’ general manager David Franke said in a statement. “Once both players got re-acclimated to the IHL style of play they were major contributors to our overall success.”
Shafranov, 39, returned to the Komets last season after seven years in the Russian Elite League. He posted 23 goals and 35 assists for 58 points in 71 games. Next season will be the winger’s 18th pro year and fifth in Fort Wayne. He was the IHL Rookie of the Year in 1995-96, leading the Komets with 46 goals.
Bertram, 31, is returning for his sixth season. The defenseman appeared in 74 games, registering 15 assists while accumulating 271 penalty minutes. He was named the Komets’ Unsung Hero.
The two join center Colin Chaulk and winger P.C. Drouin as returnees for the upcoming season.
-- LaMond Pope
Only question left is...when is Guy gonna put pen to paper??
Posted by: Cat Eyes | July 08, 2008 at 08:37 AM
Already done, just waiting for the right time to put it out...
Posted by: Hoss | July 08, 2008 at 09:58 AM
Oh yeah? Good! From what all were saying, it was a no brainer anyway, but still will be good to have him back anyway. Hey, Hoss, how goes the strike? LOL :) Glad you changed your mind!
Posted by: Cat Eyes | July 08, 2008 at 10:27 AM
Phew ... glad to hear that since I just got shaf put on my jersey!
Posted by: Homco | July 08, 2008 at 10:44 AM
Oh yeah, I'm still on strike. I just came over here to see if I could get anyone to come over to my side.
Anyone else want to join in?
Posted by: Hoss | July 08, 2008 at 10:49 AM
Hoss...I'm too much of a new girl...well, I used to go to games back in the 90's then sort of quit, now I'm back again, so I really don't know who a lot of these guys are, so I can't really throw in for this dude honestly...but I hope someone helps ya out, Hoss, I really do!! :) Anyone who takes on Larry Sterling and his runaway car is A-OK with me!!
Posted by: Cat Eyes | July 08, 2008 at 11:04 AM
If the rumors about Guy coming back are true, which I am sure they are, that means the Komets have 5 vets in the fold for next season. That may not be a good thing for Hukalo. I feel he is a player the Komets need on their team, but with him being a vet he may have to wait out a long summer to see if there is room for him on the team.
It almost also guarantees that Marchant, Hanson, and Henley will not be back next season.
Posted by: Shawn | July 08, 2008 at 11:10 AM
Woo-hoo! Glad to see Shaf and Bert are coming back! :)
Ok Hoss, I'll join your crusade to get Miller on the list. But I'm not going on strike or anything, I'm bored and don't have much else to do right now but check the blogs. I could make signs or something...
Posted by: FiveMinuteMajor | July 08, 2008 at 12:17 PM
Looks like Woods is trying to go to greener pastures... Can't blame him, but wish he woulda stayed one more year
Posted by: enufalready | July 08, 2008 at 01:25 PM
Woods needs to learn discipline. Sims isn't that tough..
Posted by: JungleMonkey | July 08, 2008 at 01:50 PM
And sometimes that grass just looks greener...been there, done that. Jumped ship, only to find that the water really was pretty darn cold outside the boat!
Posted by: Cat Eyes | July 08, 2008 at 02:32 PM
5 vets.=who is #6????? Ruid-Henley-Mario L.-??
Posted by: mightbite | July 08, 2008 at 03:16 PM
The Komets are NOT talking to Ruid, Morency or Mario L. according to David Franke in a recently released article.
Posted by: Bob | July 08, 2008 at 03:35 PM
Plus, Henley may not be back as well as Marchant or Hansen. My guess is they'll wait a while before filling those vet spots.
Posted by: Greg | July 08, 2008 at 03:45 PM
So...when do the Komets actually sign someone and not re-sign? Every other team is starting to stack up and we've still got nothing in the goal scoring department
Posted by: Brandon | July 08, 2008 at 04:33 PM
For what it's worth, the word from a co-worker of his is that Hansen is retiring.
Posted by: RaVeN | July 08, 2008 at 04:43 PM
Nothing in the goal scoring department?? Chaulker, PC, and Shaf are good for starters. Who are you thinking we need to sign? I havent seen any stacking up more than what the Komets have. It's still early...
Posted by: brando | July 08, 2008 at 04:44 PM
Let me remind everyone when last season's players were signed. We should be happy that we actually have players under contract before Three Rivers Festival.
Aquino - October 4th
Curadeau - October 4th
Legault - September 19th
Durdin - September 13th
Sessa - September 10th
Shafranov - August 28th
Saidachev - August 28th
Marchant - August 22nd
Reiter - August 16th
Reynolds - August 16th
Warner - August 16th
Pence - August 16th
Hansen - July 31st
Chaulk - July 25th
Hukalo - July 18th
Bertram - July 18th
Dupuis - July 10th
Posted by: Shawn | July 08, 2008 at 04:59 PM
I didn't know this = you can have 7 vets./about Ruid-Mario L.-Morencey=I read on here from others.
Posted by: mightbite | July 08, 2008 at 05:49 PM
Good point Shawn, I think we're all just getting antsy. Myself included... is it October yet?!? :)
Posted by: FiveMinuteMajor | July 08, 2008 at 05:54 PM
I'm not anstsy, but I will say that I have a bad feeling about things. Maybe I'm wrong. From what I've heard, a lot of people had their doubts last year, too. We'll see.
As for Woods, this is the time for ladder climbing, I suppose -- when you're young. I just didn't think he was that type, but it does seem like that's what he was after all along. Oh well. If he wants to run off and join the ECHL, I say, "Don't let the penalty box door hit your rump on the way out."
Posted by: Wendy | July 08, 2008 at 07:08 PM
the first 5 signings of last season was resigns, and then 4 tryouts, a resign, and then a resign and a tryout and then 5 more tryouts. which all signed. Did Komets ever put Sessa on the cup? Can they do that like NHL can? He def. deserved it. That guy could play. Sad he retired but at leas he is doing something good with his life and working at the NYFD, like most hockey players do when they retire from hockey. become a firefighter.
Posted by: lovelost | July 08, 2008 at 08:01 PM
all of you better relax cause theres almost zero chance that next season will be as exciting or as successful as last. i just dont want to hear a bunch of whinners if we (god forbid) dont win the huber cup!!
Posted by: chuckitt | July 08, 2008 at 10:42 PM
Way to stay possitive!!!
Posted by: Hoss | July 08, 2008 at 11:09 PM
After his return last year, I look for better things to come from Bertram. Still "got it", man.
Just don't get into it with our goalie, OK?
Shaf will always be Shaf - consistent, hard working and un rattled. Need his name on the Kup one more time.
Posted by: Geronimo | July 08, 2008 at 11:13 PM
Hanson signed in the CHL
Marchant retired
Just FYI.
Posted by: Karla Stranger | July 08, 2008 at 11:29 PM
Posted by: Melissa Sarrazin | July 08, 2008 at 11:29 PM
that is positive and realistic. just dont get overly positive is what im saying. people are already crying about not signing this person and that person or the numbers of people signed ect ect. everybody needs to chill and not let their heads swell up like weve been acused of by other cities fans! we need to chill and have a little class!
Posted by: chuckitt | July 08, 2008 at 11:34 PM
Remove Gretzky
Add Miller
Gretzky is a whiner and if he didnt get his way he made life he double hockey sticks in the locker room.Kinda makes you wonder the only year he played for the Komets we didnt even make the play-offs. Then he didnt last a whole year the next year before we got rid of him.
Posted by: Karla Stranger | July 08, 2008 at 11:35 PM
According to David Franke during a news channel 15 interview tonight,its unlikely Hodgy will be back.
Posted by: Karla Stranger | July 08, 2008 at 11:39 PM
Why would the Komets want to put Sessa's name on the Cup?? He only played 11 games for us at the START of the season and had a whopping total of 5 points. He did nothing to contribute to the success of season as a whole. Not deserving of having his name on the Cup in my opinion.
As far as the Stanley Cup goes...I think you have to play in at least half of your teams games during the regular season OR at least one game in the Finals. Of course there are exceptions...I believe that the Redwings put Vladamir Konstantinov's name on the Cup the when they won in '98...the year after he was paralyzed in the limousine accident after their '97 victory.
Posted by: Harbz | July 09, 2008 at 07:55 AM
Hey one's crying about anyone not far as I can see, people are just saying who they WANT to be back on the team. Nothing wrong with that, is there? We all have our wish lists, as I am sure you might just not post yours. Please don't call us un-classy for having dreams!! If we did not care about this team at all, then what is the point?? And why not hope to have another successful and exciting year? Maybe it will be just as good, maybe not...either way, it's still Komets hockey, and that's what I love, so I'm into it. I won't let you bring me down anyway!! I'll still be excited either way it goes...if Woods comes back or not, if we get Henley back or not...whatever...I'll get my heart broken no matter what because it won't be the same team, but I'll still be there October 18th anyway!!
Posted by: Cat Eyes | July 09, 2008 at 08:22 AM
Karla, what team is Kevin going to sign with? I was on the CHL website where they list all of the off-season activity. Kevin Hanson was not on the list, and the list was updated yesterday.
Posted by: Shawn | July 09, 2008 at 08:28 AM
Way to cool down Chuckitt, Cat Eyes. If any Komet fan needs to's him. No offense, Chuckitt, but let the fans discuss. No one is displaying a lack of "class" IMO.
Not excited about the Bert signing. I wouldn't mind seeing a younger core back there.
Posted by: DGF | July 09, 2008 at 08:56 AM
Here is some information I found on Hodgeman...thought I would share with all of you.
Posted by: IcyKometsFan84 | July 09, 2008 at 09:27 AM
Good news on the signings. But has everyone forgot that we had 2 of the best goalies last season, and they have signed NEITHER of them as of yet? Forget about the other guys, the goalie is the single most important player on the ice, we need to get a good one, or two! 3 of the other teams all ready have at least one signed. Good ones don't grow on trees!
Posted by: johnny12572 | July 09, 2008 at 09:34 AM article I read in last night's "dark side" paper said that the Frankes are hoping to have an answer from Reiter by the end of this week...also said they would love to have both Reiter and Boucher back as a tandem but don't think the team can afford both those goalies this year...I sure hope they work it out!!
IcyKometsFan84...thanks for the Justin link! Hope the Wild likes his stuff and keeps him...he's a great kid and deserves a shot.
DGF...thanks...had to stick up for my fellow fans who are excited about this year...Chuckitt, I got nothin' but love for ya, but you need to take some happy pills or have your morning java...;) it'll be okay, really, it will!!
Posted by: Cat Eyes | July 09, 2008 at 09:51 AM
Daniel Goneau to Austria
Posted by: lovelost | July 09, 2008 at 10:15 AM
No problem cat eyes but i would much rather see him in a NJ Devils jersey
Posted by: IcyKometsFan84 | July 09, 2008 at 10:32 AM
BTW, meant to say thank you to Shawn for posting that list of who signed when...I called Deuce last night and asked him if it was always this nerve racking every year. This list proves that, yep, it sure must be...I'll just need to call my doc and get some chill pills every June or July and try to calm myself, or just hit the liquor store or something...if these guys are gonna make me wait until October (some of 'em, anyway), then I better settle in!! I'm gonna go outta town this weekend, then 3 Rivers Festival is next week, then we have the Allen County Fair...then I'll hafta start in watching the hockey movies everyone has suggested!!
Posted by: Cat Eyes | July 09, 2008 at 11:45 AM
I can find no confirmation of Kevin Hansen's signing or Terry Marchant's retirement. I'm all for chatter and rumors and what not, but I would love to see links or at least some 'proof' when supposed "facts" are stated on here.
As for Sessa, I totally agree that his name should NOT be on the cup. He participated in only about 10% of the season, and we didn't really start doing better until AFTER he left. I personally thought he was over-sold and over-rated and never thought he fit really well into our scheme.
I too, hope to see the re-signing of Boucher and/or Reiter. Having either one of them back gives us a good foundation to build on.
Posted by: Brandan | July 09, 2008 at 12:24 PM
I personally would love to see Hodgman catch on with the Wild. They're a younger team that I think is a little more offensive where the Devils are a little older and more defensive minded. Though Justin has proven that he is responsible at both ends of the ice. The other thing too is that the Devils already have a really solid core of players, some of which have been there for a number of where the Wild is a younger team still looking for it's core and identity a bit. It might be a little easier for Justin to crack the Wild's lineup. He'd be a good fit in Minnesota. The Wild has a very solid fan base that sells out every game...I"m sure that if Justin busted his tail in Minny like he did here, he would be a fan favorite in a hurry. All that being said...I don't think he'll be in the NHL this year. He might sign an NHL contract and play in the AHL though.
Posted by: Harbz | July 09, 2008 at 12:46 PM
I agree with Harbz, I think the Wild are one of the teams in the NHL that would work for Justin. I also do not see him in the NHL for at least two seasons. There is a good change he will be in the OHL next season and that AHL the season after that. I look forward to following his career during that time span.
Posted by: Shawn | July 09, 2008 at 01:36 PM
Baseball Questions today. Make sure you play!!
Posted by: Charlie I | July 09, 2008 at 01:42 PM
Some CHL news...maybe it's already been talked about..maybe not...
Lance Galbraith signed with the Texas Brahamas.
Andrew Lackner re-signed with the Tulsa Oilers.
Dave Van Drunen (formerly with Muskegon) signed with the Odessa Jackalopes...too bad we won't get to harass him next season.
Posted by: Harbz | July 09, 2008 at 03:25 PM
Cat Eyes...7pm tonite,McMillen. Cohny is predicting a Gordie Howe hat trick.
Posted by: St.Chris | July 09, 2008 at 04:07 PM
Luciano Aquino is an UFA in the Islanders camp.
Posted by: Karla Stranger | July 09, 2008 at 04:11 PM
I'll miss Van Drunen, dude was a riot even though he played for Musky.
Posted by: St.Chris | July 09, 2008 at 04:21 PM
That will sadden Shaw's heart.
Posted by: Wingmnn | July 09, 2008 at 04:22 PM
Thanks for the news about Aquino and Hodgman. I do like the Wild, though purely for superficial reasons. I just like Minnesota as a state, in part because it was the home of MST3K. :D And the team colors and logo are cool. So sue me.
Van Drunen... He's a mouth breather, that one. I hope he keeps his helmet on down there.
Posted by: Wendy | July 09, 2008 at 04:33 PM