Justin A. Cohn

About Ice Chips

  • Justin A. Cohn, pro sports coordinator for The Journal Gazette, has been covering the Fort Wayne Komets since 1997. His reporting includes game stories from home and away, features about the players and personalities associated with the Komets, plus coverage of issues affecting hockey at all levels. A native of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Cohn graduated from Emory University in Atlanta. He can be reached at 260-461-8429 or by email at [email protected].

Komets Korner

« Frenchy looking for help | Main | Seems like Drouin's coming back »

June 06, 2008



I'd like to be the first to say...

It's about time!


I'll settle for being the second to say....COOL!

Justin, any chance of a sneak peek?


Woo-hoo! I thought the old scoreboard was a lot older than 15 years, it seems like it's been there forever.


I hope we keep the dancing Budweiser cans...love it when they schroll across the screen at the end of every period.


Now your talking!!!!!!! NCAA tournament hockey at the MC would be great!!!


justin, any "secret" photos or blueprints of this new scoreboard??? and do you know what they will do with the old one???


I saw some drawings of the scoreboard on WANE-TV's newscast...they looked pretty good.


Sounds great. As it is, I only glanced at the scoreboard from time to time to check the clock, score, etc. But I have to agree with FiveMinuteMajor. The current one is only 15 years old? I could have sworn that it was the same one they had when my dad was taking me to games in the 70s and 80s. At least it doesn't seem that different.


Oh and... How did a story about RFK's oldest child wind up on Komets Korner? Just FYI. :D


WHY would this league want youngstown=when they got toosed from a league for not paying there bills???/any way we don't fight enough.


The Title of this post was Soon, They’ll be replaying Drouin Slapshots at the coliseum.
Justin, do you know something about Drouin that hasn’t been released yet? Is this your way of saying Drouin will be back next year?


he lives in the ft and had expressed interest in remaining and the frankes said theyd like him b ack.

Justin Cohn

I will see if I can find a "sneak peak" but I'm not promising anything. ... I have nothing new on Drouin, but I would expect him to be back -- as an educated guess.


Does that just mean someone else is doing the guessing for you Justin?


lol hoss

i say we play a prank on justin and have the old scoreboard mounted in his front yard.


Read the article about the scoreboard, so I'm psyched. :)

By the way, I noticed that the Stanley Cup got a little banged up after arriving in Detroit. Nothing new, I suppose, but with all the talk about breaking trophies lately, it did catch my eye.

Justin Cohn

Yeah, apparently, no sketches to share with you yet.



According to some on here,
A "plan" is in place. Be patient.

Cat Eyes

Wendy...the little mini story about the Stanley Cup was funny...thanks for sharing!

Cool about a new scoreboard...I think it will look better in our arena. Deuce had told me about that a while back, not sure where he heard about it, but he was right on...and yep, anything to get any more hockey at any level here would be welcome!


if you have paid any attention to the frankes the past year and a half then you would know that yes there is a plan in place, and so far other than some expansion this next year, i think things are progressing just as they have hoped it would!! be positive!


IHL should not want an owner that DON'T PAY his bills = that is what is wrong with most of todays world=people acts like somebody owes them.TIME HAS COME TO PAY YOUR BILLS-PAY YOUR RENT-PAY YOUR SHARE=TIME HAS COME!!!


dont take sides on not paying bills untill you know the whole story...remember a few years ago the frankes had a big dispute on not paying money to the union..two sides to every story. lets find out why or what wasnt paid first. maybe we dont want them afterall and maybe its just something silly......


Youngstown paid their bills. The league owed them money so they withheld some payments. The CHL owns 50% of the blame in the situation.

Cat Eyes

JungleMonkey...all I have seen is the negative press about Youngstown owing the money...I'd like to see the other side you mentioned about the CHL owing them money too...where did you see it? Hard to know the whole story unless it gets printed, but that does not always happen!


Here is some explaination from Steelhounds website:

Late Monday night, the WPHLI (Western Professional Hockey League Inc.) dba the CHL (Central Hockey League) and wholly owned by Global Entertainment, issued a press release that the Youngstown SteelHounds franchise had been terminated. The termination letter had stated that the reasons for termination were non-payment of assessments and fees and non-attendance at League meetings.

The CHL press release failed to mention that the parties have been embroiled in litigation over these and other issues since November of 2006. Apparently, the CHL has chosen to take these disputes to a public forum and litigate in the press rather than in a Phoenix, AZ court.

The CHL well knows that the counterclaims by the SteelHounds for promised subsidies on travel expenses well exceed the assessments and fees but have refused to negotiate those dollar amounts in any reasonable fashion…and of course, their press release failed to mention the SteelHounds claims. It should be noted that Global Entertainment/Central Hockey League has over-promised and under-performed on every financial commitment it has made to the Youngstown community, Chevrolet Centre, the City of Youngstown and the Youngstown SteelHounds and as a result the SteelHounds have not expected anything different from Global/CHL.

A settlement conference is to be scheduled before the end of August in the Arizona litigation and apparently the issuance of the press release on Monday is an attempt by the CHL to affect such conference.


thanks for sitting me straight on youngstown/I'd like to know if youngstown had any fighters last year=since heb washington maid those coments about fighting.

Cat Eyes

keith...thanks!! i was finally able to find it on there! let's hope it gets resolved soon...for better or worse.

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