Justin A. Cohn

About Ice Chips

  • Justin A. Cohn, pro sports coordinator for The Journal Gazette, has been covering the Fort Wayne Komets since 1997. His reporting includes game stories from home and away, features about the players and personalities associated with the Komets, plus coverage of issues affecting hockey at all levels. A native of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Cohn graduated from Emory University in Atlanta. He can be reached at 260-461-8429 or by email at [email protected].

Komets Korner

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May 14, 2008



As a diehard NY Rangers fan I will have a hard time rooting for Hodgey if he becomes a Devil. With that said I wish him the best of luck.


As a diehard NY Rangers fan I will have a hard time rooting for Hodgey if he becomes a Devil. With that said I wish him the best of luck.


Just to let those of you who did'nt make it to the party Hodgman's jersey went for a low price of $5,500.
WOW deffinetley worth it
Doesn't matter where he goes I will try my hardest to keep track of him as well as Aquino and Curadeau. If anyone happened to record game 7 please contact me I would love a copy email me at [email protected]

Great season KOMETS!!



Do you have a list of what each jersey went for? What happens to the money raised?


Well Woodsy has a career made for him here. If he chooses to go somewhere else, that is fine. All I ask is that he goes face to face with me. If he Ko's me he leaves, if we go 3 rounds, and I KO him, he stays.


good luck on that Circus


Some big fella i know was there calling, here kitty kitty...


Hodgie to the Devils possibly?! HELL YEAH!!!

Jerad Shaw

Circus was me. Me vs. Woodsy. 3 rounds. He beats me, he stays a Komet. I beat him, he stays a Komet. I'm willing to deal with him. Let's see if he is man enough to take the challenge.


Where was Brandon Warner last night? It's pretty sad that the hometown kid couldn't be there!


He was in an out of state fishing tournament with his Dad.


That is awesome I would love for Hodgy to be a NJ Devil...he is one I deffintly wanted to follow and that would make it easier if he is on the team I love


there is a rumor that warner has an offer to play in europe!!


Bob Chase said Legault was the only one under contract during game 7, so if he's right we now have Chaulk and Legault...


Warner has offers all over, just like everyone else.


Chaulk told me he is already signed for next year.


K's sign Zehr + Kevin Popp=wish list.


What is it with you and Popp? Every game I see you it's Popp Popp Popp. :-)


My wish list from other teams:
Aspenlind (PH), Riedel (MUS), and DePretis (FLI)




I knew you would say that, Mightbite. ha ha
Did you pick up any new jerseys at the party?

cat eyes

ooh, yeah, i'll take zehr too...but not at the expense of anyone we now have...hey, if we are challenging woodsy to a one on one wrestling match, count me in...but i might throw the fight just for the hell of it...either way, he stays here, i win, and if i lose the fight, i end up where??? hmm...

btw, mr henley, if you're checkin' in, how's the knee feelin? and what about you? you coming back for us??

cat eyes

oh yeah, gotta say too, the nicest player award in my book has to go to 3 guys for Wed nite...Chaulk, Boucher, and Durdin..all 3 were super nice to my boy, took time, Boucher even asked his name and chatted with him, did not just brush him off like some others...Durdin coulda lit up the whole Coliseum with the smile he gave us when we walked up and said hi to him...what a friendly guy! most others were really cool, very few exeptions...my son felt like he made buds with his favorite komets that night and that is just too cool for words!


Add Thomas from Bloomington to your list mitebite.


Zehr is a soft hockey player.

cat eyes

hey sherry, if you are still interested, here is a story from wane tv about what each jersey went for...does not say where the dinero is going, just "charity"...bear with me if i post the link wrong, i'm new to this whole thing...if i do it wrong i'll try again...


RaVeN= too much money = was looking at Legaults/TGP=I seen a fight with Zehr beating up mallatte.


Mightbite...I picked up the Woods jersey. We'll have to compare our collections some day.
You and the Mrs have a great off season.


RaVeN-wow Woods jersey = have to trade for that one-ha-ha. have a great summer


mightbite..where do you sit?


In front of me.
Was that a trick question? :-)


chuckitt- side of net/should get rid of some jerseys=wife says running out of room+how many jerseys do you need.


ch.33-nbc=why only half hour for K's on your call in show on sat. night=come on having the [wrigley girls] the week the K's WON THE CUP.


mightbite..dont need a jersey just curious to where you sit to see if i know who you are!!

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