Justin A. Cohn

About Ice Chips

  • Justin A. Cohn, pro sports coordinator for The Journal Gazette, has been covering the Fort Wayne Komets since 1997. His reporting includes game stories from home and away, features about the players and personalities associated with the Komets, plus coverage of issues affecting hockey at all levels. A native of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Cohn graduated from Emory University in Atlanta. He can be reached at 260-461-8429 or by email at [email protected].

Komets Korner

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January 25, 2008



Chase hasn't said much about
D-Mac tonight.

Justin Cohn

He hasn't done much, really. OK penalty killing. I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one scout here tonight.


I haven't heard McCarty's name called yet and I'm watching it....

I thought Henley was going to get thrown out.

Justin Cohn

Famous last words, Junior. McCarty scores.


wow, they had our number tonight for sure. and our 2 big guys lost their scraps... at least legault did. i could see the henley bout as a draw...cant wait to see these guys again.


No kidding Justin, I blew that one.

It was a good game to watch regardless of the outcome and congrats to the Gens.

Definitely worth my 6 bucks for B2....next time Cohny, I want the gopher job. I'd rather spend the money on a beer at Perani.

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