Justin A. Cohn

About Ice Chips

  • Justin A. Cohn, pro sports coordinator for The Journal Gazette, has been covering the Fort Wayne Komets since 1997. His reporting includes game stories from home and away, features about the players and personalities associated with the Komets, plus coverage of issues affecting hockey at all levels. A native of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Cohn graduated from Emory University in Atlanta. He can be reached at 260-461-8429 or by email at [email protected].

Komets Korner

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February 22, 2007



Domber can take his time,,,with seven defensemen playing nightly, and two of them being in the top four in team scoring...take your time. Also I want him to be 100% so maybe he will play like he did when he first got here. He has had extremely great games but this year thus far very few. GO K's. Also by most obnoxious fans on the poll question do you mean most vocal in support of your team or the rudes to visitors...because those answers are a given...Fort Wayne and Muskegon for the rudest to the visiting fans. Rockford is a close second for lound and obnoxious fans. Kalamazoo fans are rarely obnoxious and normally behave...most people haven't been to Rockford and they can get a little crazy. When we played QC in the championship some of their fans were picking fights with some of the K's fans for cheering and were thrown out of their own arena for it...so that is obnoxious too.


Also does Port Huron have fans? Everytime I have been there I think i was one of only 500-1000 people there.

Justin Cohn

I just meant the fans who are most, well, difficult to stomach in general. At games, over the internet, etc. The ones who you would keep your children away from because of the language; the ones who think because you root for your team, you should be drawn and quartered.

By the way, in case you're wondering why I've been a little lax with the updates, it's because maternity leave for my wife is any minute. So Ben Smith will be stepping in for me.

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