Justin A. Cohn

About Ice Chips

  • Justin A. Cohn, pro sports coordinator for The Journal Gazette, has been covering the Fort Wayne Komets since 1997. His reporting includes game stories from home and away, features about the players and personalities associated with the Komets, plus coverage of issues affecting hockey at all levels. A native of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Cohn graduated from Emory University in Atlanta. He can be reached at 260-461-8429 or by email at [email protected].

Komets Korner

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October 15, 2006



Looking from the B2 broadcast, the sucker punch (on Bozoian) from Jason Payne was pretty nasty. Do you think he will be suspended Justin?

Justin Cohn

Was B2 working tonight?

Well, the UHL officials I spoke with said it would probably be reviewed. I think the match penalty he got was plenty punishment. I hate to say it, but I didn't think it was all that horrible, in the respect that Bozoian was at least facing him and jawing at him. We've seen plenty of sucker punches where the guy is facing the other way or something. Don't get me wrong, it was nasty, but I think the punishment fit the crime. A.J. didn't miss a shift.

Brad Lyons

I know it's early, but my concern about the way they played against Bloomington brings up the fear of the inconsitancy of how they played last year. I'm sure they'll be okay, and I'm sure that arriving only 20-minutes before warm-ups did have a part to play. But they have a full season to get things worked out, so I'm not worried about the big picture.


Yep the B2 was working...maybe it just looked bad from the angle of view.

Komet Fan

Like Justin said, it was a tale of 2 different nights. One thing that is very apparent with the Komets right now is that they have shown a great propensity for taking stupid penalty after stupid penalty so far this year. We all wanted a more physical team this year, but not a undisciplined team that takes silly minor penalties all of the time. Hopefully, this is something that can get corrected quickly.


So the Komets are having a penalty problem. That seems consistant at least with last year.


none of it means anything until theyve all got a few games under their collective belts and some real practice time. remember, they havent known one another for very long...

Komet Fan

Getting to know each other has nothing to do with taking stupid penalties. Sadly, most of the penalties were unnecessary as well, just being lazy, kind of like Galbraith last year. Yes, I want a more physical team, not s stupid team. BIG difference.

Hit Somebody!!!

That cracks me up...If someone would have made a negative comment about Galbraith last season...all heck would have broke loose on this and the other blog. Funny that when guys leave it is ok to pile on them. I'm not saying I don't agree that he was over-rated and a dumb motor mouth, I am just saying a few of this said this last year and it was the ultimate sin. LOL

Hit Somebody!!!

US not THIS...sorry

Komet Fan

Well Hit, I was one of the few that bashed on Galbraith all last year, much to the dismay of many Komet fans who had blinders on. I generally agree with Chuckitt, but in this case, time and familiarity has zero to do with taking stupid penalties.


Gotta agree, most of these guys are veterans and "should" know what the rules are. A dumb penalty is a dumb penalty. Guys not being use to each other can result in bad offenseive chances and bad defensive coverage. Not penatlties.


as a former player ,it does make a difference to know the guys youre on the ice with. you know what the other guy will do or where he will be so if someone gets around you or you blow an assignment., you know whether your buddy will be there to make up for your mistake. when youre not sure of what the guy next to you will do, then you hook and trip and do whatever you can to try and make up for your own mistake. once they know one antoher better the stupid things will go away UNLESS the players and coach turn out to be as dumb and selfish as last years squad.


as far as the vets knowing what the rules are and ect, believe me, the team that gets away with breaking the most rules is the team that will usually win the game. hockey is about getting the job done, no matter what it takes, and if you get a ref who turns his head then that just goes to the advantage of the team will ing to take the most risks!!


justin, congrats on your award too bad they had to bury it in the back of the paper!

Justin Cohn

Thanks. And you're correct.


What award did Justin get? I don't get the Fort Wayne paper. Thanks.

Justin Cohn

It was basically an award for public awareness and excellence in journalism for a story on local golfer Chip Novak, was has schizoaffective disorder.

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