Ben Lanka

  • Ben Lanka has been a local government reporter at The Journal Gazette since 2004 and has covered city government exclusively since April 2006. He received his education at the University of Dayton and Northwestern University. Ben has attended dozens of meetings related to the Harrison Square project and is the primary reporter on the subject for The Journal Gazette. Feel free to comment on the postings here that relate to all aspects of the $125 million public-private proposal.

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March 18, 2008


Toby Mac

Ben after reading your entire blog I have a question. Are you a reporter or a public relations representative for the Harrison Square project. I have not seen one critical word from you concerning this thing.

In all my years I have never seen a government project done so perfectly that it didn't require some scrutiny.

As a member of the press it is your obligation to scrutinize public works. This is not for the sake of headlines or trouble making. It is so we as taxpayers get the the best out of our government.

Both newspapers have lacked in their due diligence for some time. That is evident by their deteriorating sales.

There is hope for the newspaper media. That hope is if reporters like yourself provide product that the public needs.

What the public cries for is fair and balanced reporting.

Megan Hampton

The park looks great! It will be so nice to see more green on the southern area of downtown.

Megan Hampton

The park looks great! It will be so nice to see more green on the southern area of downtown.

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