It was novelist and sportswriting icon Dan Jenkins who once puckishly referred to Wimbledon officials as "wing commanders."
Never knew how true that was until now.
Now, it seems, the wing commanders have succumbed to their military instincts. Under siege by carpet-bombing pigeons who've apparently confused the open-air media restaurant with Saddam's Baghdad, Wimbledon has called in snipers (OK, so they call them "marksmen") to wage war on the enemy.
And so the Battle of Britain is joined again. Or Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo. Or Thirty Seconds Over The Poor Sot From The Daily Mail.
Supposedly Wimbledon has routinely employed two hawks to chase off the pigeons in the past. But it's not working this time (rumor has it the 2008 model pigeons are equipped with upgraded guidance and detection systems). And so it's time to bring in the big guns, literally.
Naturally the animal rights activists are all up in arms over this, no pun intended. As for me, I wonder what all the fuss is. I mean, it IS the media restaurant. Pigeons strafing it with you-know-what seems oddly metaphorical to me.
On a similar note, "volley" has now taken on a whole new meaning at the All-England Club.
-- Ben Smith