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November 28, 2007


J English

One word for your sour grapes writer: Sheridan. I expect they've enjoyed all nine! Did Bud Wright recruit, hmmm? I recall FORTY years ago he walked into a barbershop on Main in Sheridan and while I was captive ask, "why aren't you coming out for football?" He recruited one of the baddest dudes in town, a drop out, got him back in school and turned him into a very Bad A@@ defensive lineman. Kept him in school too. Built a program with surnames I see over and over. They don't whine about private schools, they beat em.


finally! someone who regognizes that almost everyone on luers' roster went to a south side catholic feeder school. and some even went to north side catholic feeder schools. and most of the ones who didnt go to a parochial feeder school came to luers, not because they were recruited, but because their parents wanted them to go there. sure there is a little recruiting, but public schools do it just as much. thank you for this blog entry.

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