I see where Duke University president Richard Brodhead finally got up and offered an apology to the Duke lacrosse team, and only a full year-and-change after the fact. Big of him.
Unfortunately he blunted it a bit by lamely trying to justify why he and other school officials sat back and let their own get savaged by a lunatic prosecutor and various media vampires. Brodhead's exceedingly flaccid excuse: He was afraid if he had come out and made more forceful statements it might have prejudiced the case.
Altogether now: Huh?
Bottom line is this clown jumped to conclusions just like so many of us did -- and I'll gladly include myself in that number. The difference is, I'm just some ink-stained wretch in Indiana and my prejudgment carried no weight, while Brodhead's carried the ultimate weight.
Shame on him. An apology at this late date -- after he'd blown up the program and cut loose a fine coach and decent man, Mike Pressler -- might make him feel better, but it means exactly bupkus to the people most affected by his craven absolution of leadership.
You wanna make a conciliatory gesture that means something, Dick? Give Pressler his job back.
-- Ben Smith