Oh, come on. This can't happen, can it?
Just looked up at the TV screen, and I see that Ohio State has extinguished Georgetown 67-60 in one national semifinal. Florida and UCLA are early in their game.
This means we still have an excellent chance that for the second time in three months, a national championship game could come down to Florida and Ohio State. I don't have anything against either of these schools, but can you say "overexposed"?
I mean, I've seen more of Brutus Buckeye lately than I have the Geico cavemen. And if that goofy Gator in the turtleneck (Freddy? Floyd? Hey, I don't get paid to know this stuff) shows up on the nation's TV screens one more time, Anderson Cooper will sue for infringement of face time.
This won't do. I say it's time to petition the NCAA, which frankly doesn't have nearly enough legislation on its books to suit me. I say they need to add a new rule: No Gators and Buckeyes in any more national championship games until either 2020, or Woody comes back from the dead and goes all Charley Bauman on Urban Meyer's preppy little keister.
Works for me.
-- Ben Smith